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D2L: Add Quality Course Template to a course (Faculty/Staff)


4.0 - Updated on 06-20-2024 by Alicia Eckenroth Stephenson

3.0 - Updated on 09-08-2023 by Alicia Eckenroth Stephenson

2.0 - Updated on 08-24-2022 by Hollyn Williams

1.0 - Authored on 03-22-2022 by Judy Hurst


The Radford University Course Template is designed to assist you in implementing best practices for online course design. When you import the template into your D2L course shell, basic organizational structure and features are installed. This is particularly helpful when creating a new online course from scratch.


  1. Login to the learning management system, D2L, from OneCampus.

A picture containing graphical user interfaceDescription automatically generated

NOTE:  Clicking on the heart icon to make it red will add the tile to your My Favorites list.


  1. Open one of your courses under My Courses or the “waffle” icon in the upper-right.

Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated


  1. Notice the widget in the lower-left of the course similar to:

image of sample Quality Course Template widget

        1. Click Download the course template file link.
        2. Click Course Admin on the navigation bar of your course.
        3. Click Import/Export/Copy Components.
        4. Scroll down to select the option Import Components and click the Start button.
        5. Click Upload and find the course template file ( recently downloaded.
        6. On a Mac, click Open (skip this step on a PC).
        7. Click Import All Components.
        8. Upon completion of file importing, click View Content.


If you experience issues or have any questions regarding this topic, please contact the Technology Assistance Center at 540-831-7500 or enter a support ticket at