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Reviewing Electronic Academic Petitions


7.0 - Updated on 06-20-2024 by Alicia Eckenroth Stephenson

6.0 - Updated on 06-20-2024 by Alicia Eckenroth Stephenson

5.0 - Updated on 03-26-2024 by Alicia Eckenroth Stephenson

4.0 - Updated on 03-26-2024 by Alicia Eckenroth Stephenson

3.0 - Updated on 03-26-2024 by Alicia Eckenroth Stephenson

2.0 - Updated on 03-26-2024 by Alicia Eckenroth Stephenson

1.0 - Authored on 03-26-2024 by Alicia Eckenroth Stephenson

Reviewing Electronic Academic Petitions

When an electronic academic petition has been submitted, the reviewers will receive an automated email indicating action is needed for the request. The notifications are sent in the following order after the previous reviewer has submitted a decision:

· HSC Coordinator

· Director of Undergraduate Education

· Instructor

· Department Chair

· Additional Reviewers

· College Dean

Note: The College Dean is the only reviewer required for the Registrar’s Office to process the petition. Not every petition will need all of these reviewers.


Step One

Open academic petition request email and click Begin Review.

Subject line: REVIEW NEEDED: Academic Petition for [Student Last Name], [Student RUID]

Step Two

Review academic petition and choose the appropriate decision. If you choose Deny, a text box will appear to type the reason for the denial. This is a required field.

Reviewers will be able to view comments regarding denials from previous reviewers to consider.

Step Three

Click approve in the upper right corner of the screen if the decision is to approve. If the decision is to deny or the petition needs to be sent back to the originator or a previous person to change or add to the petition, click on the ellipse in the upper right corner.


Note: Before clicking approve, send back, or deny in the upper right corner, be sure the corresponding radio button as been chosen under the Academic Petition Review Outcomes.



If using the Send Back option, choose who the petition should be sent back to and indicate the changes/additions to be made.



If the petition is being denied, click on deny, then indicate the reason for denial.


If the Dean denies a petition, all previous reviewers and the originator receive notification.


Note: Any comments made on the petition will appear on the PDF for the student’s record. Any additional comments made using the upper right corner approve, send back, or deny buttons are viewable to reviewers and originator only.


Keep in mind: Regardless if the comment is on the PDF copy for student record or viewable to reviewers and originator only, all comments are reportable under FOIA.


Next Steps

Once the reviewer has decided on the academic petition request, the next reviewer will receive an emailing prompting to review the petition.


After the College Dean submits a decision, the petition goes to the Registrar’s Office for processing and the student receives an email with the Dean’s decision, including the reason for denial that was typed on the petition.


The originator and reviewers can view the petition and its progress under the My Documents tab in Kuali.


All reviewers and originator will be notified once the Registrar’s Office has received and acted on the petition. A PDF copy of the petition will be sent to reviewers and originator for their records. The student will receive notification that the petition has been received and the decision of the petition (approved or denied). If it is denied, the reason will be listed for the student.


Keep in Mind

Students have the right to submit a petition. If a student requests a petition to be written, one must be generated and sent through the entire review process, even if it will be denied by all reviewers. The only exception would be if the request is non-petitionable (i.e. graduating with less than 120 credits or less than 2.00 GPA overall, etc.) If unsure of what is petitionable or non-petitionable, contact the Office of the Registrar for clarification at (540) 831-5371.


Questions or suggestions for the Electronic Undergraduate Academic Petition should be directed to the Highlander Success Center at or (540) 831-2139.
