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OneCampus - Change My Password


13.0 - Updated on 06-21-2024 by Alicia Eckenroth Stephenson

12.0 - Updated on 12-11-2023 by Judy Hurst

11.0 - Updated on 12-11-2023 by Judy Hurst

10.0 - Updated on 06-27-2022 by Hollyn Williams

9.0 - Updated on 06-21-2022 by Judy Hurst

8.0 - Updated on 06-20-2022 by Carmel Cullop

7.0 - Updated on 06-20-2022 by Jackie McNabb-priv

6.0 - Updated on 04-12-2022 by Benjamin LaLonde

5.0 - Updated on 03-16-2022 by David Rowe

4.0 - Updated on 12-01-2020 by Judy Hurst-tech

3.0 - Updated on 11-19-2020 by David Rowe

2.0 - Updated on 04-23-2020 by Judy Hurst

1.0 - Authored on 09-25-2019 by Randa McDonald

Scope of this document is to help users reset their passwords.


Notes: Too many log in attempts will lock the users account for 5 minutes.

Resetting Password with Username and Security Questions.


1. Go to “” and click the sign in button on the top right.

2. This will take you to the SSO (Single Sign On Page). Please select the “Forgot expired/Password”.

3. This will bring you to the “Password Management Portal”. Please enter your Radford username in the Username input field and click the “SUBMIT” button.

4. Please answer the security question to the best of your ability and click the “SUBMIT” button. If answered correctly you will be directed to the password reset screen. If answered incorrectly, another question will be asked. If second question is answered incorrectly, a third and final question will be asked. If all three answer are incorrect user should call 1-540-831-7500 for a password reset.

5.Create a new password that follows the conditions listed in the “New Password” field. Then confirm password by retyping it in the “Re-type Password” field.


You will receive a success message when the password is reset.
Click the OK button to continue.


If you experience issues or have any questions regarding this topic, please contact the Technology Assistance Center at 540-831-7500 or enter a support ticket at