Installing Software Using Self Service - Faculty/Staff (Mac Users)

The Self Service app contains software downloads for University approved software. It is available to Radford University faculty and staff for their university computers. These instructions are for Mac machines only. 

PC users can use the following article to access Software Center:  Installing Software Using Software Center--Faculty/Staff (Windows Users)


Search for “self service” on your machine.

Using Spotlight Search type Self Service in the search box and open Self to start the application.

While viewing the Apps tab on the left side of the window, all available software packages for downloading are listed.  Click Install to begin the install process for desired software.

The selected software will begin downloading and installing.

Once the installation is finished, Reinstall will display for the completed installation.  If you are installing multiple programs at once, wait for all program to display the Reinstall status.

You may close out of the Self Service app after the installation, and your program(s) should be available for use on your computer.


If you experience issues or have any questions regarding this topic, please contact the Technology Assistance Center at 540-831-7500 or enter a support ticket at