D2L: Clearing All Grades for a Quiz (Faculty)


The gradebook in D2L allows you to clear out all grades for a particular grade item if needed. Please make sure to double check your actions as you make necessary changes to grades. These instructions assume you have already logged in to D2L and entered the course in which you wish to work.


  1. Click on Grades on the Navbar.


  1. Click the down-arrow next to the grade item for which you wish to clear all points.

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  1. Click Enter Grades.

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  1. Place a checkmark at the top of the list of students so all become checked.

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NOTE:  Adjust view to 200 per page in the bottom right of the page if needed to have all students showing on a single page.


  1. Click the Clear Grades button at the top of the list.

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  1. A confirmation box will appear letting you know how many users will be affected and that the action cannot be undone. Double check the grade item and users and then, once you are ready, click on Yes.

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  1. When you are done making changes to the grades for this grade item, click the Save and Close button.

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  1. A confirmation box will appear letting you know that you are about to save. Once you double check that everything is in order, click Yes.

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If you experience issues or have any questions regarding this topic, please contact the Technology Assistance Center at 540-831-7500 or enter a support ticket at http://www.radford.edu/itonestop.