D2L: Changing the Maximum Points for a Grade Item (Faculty)


This article goes over how to change the maximum points and adjust grades accordingly. These instructions assume you have already logged in to D2L and entered the course in which you wish to work.


NOTE:  If the grade item being modified is linked to a quiz or assignment in which students have already submitted and have been graded, you must also 1) Clear all the existing grades for the grade item and 2) Update grades to the gradebook.


  1. Click on Grades on the Navbar.


  1. Click on Manage Grades In the list of grade items, locate the one to change the maximum points.

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  1. Check the box(es) next to the grade item(s) to modify.

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  1. Click the Bulk Edit button located at the top of the Grade Item list.

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  1. In the Bulk Edit Items and Categories page that opens, change the numeric value in the box(es) in the Max Points column.

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  1. Click the Save button.


If you experience issues or have any questions regarding this topic, please contact the Technology Assistance Center at 540-831-7500 or enter a support ticket at http://www.radford.edu/itonestop.